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Title Sale ASTIRAM - An Organic Pesticide
Details ASTIRAM Astiram is an Organic pesticide formulation developed with the aim of providing farmers the power to deal with pest without using hazardous chemical pesticide. Astiram is completely organic with active ingredients isolated from consortia of herbs which help in fighting with pests without causing any damage to our mother nature, other helpful living forms and also to humans. It has been very effective in wiping off the pests like mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids, weevil, beetle etc. Features  Astiram is effective against most of the crop pest.  The contents present in Astiram exhibits contact toxicity to the insects and it kills insect instantly.  It penetrates inside the body of targeted pest and disrupts the cell membranes. The contents of the cell leak out, causing the insect to dehydrate and die.  It can be used both as curative and preventive way for controlling and infestation of pests.  Apart from pest protection, the ingredients present in Astiram also provide nourishment to the plant and stimulates healthy growth of the plant. Periodic spray helps the plant to stay pest free.
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Name Yasmin
Address House number 39, Near Pema Masjid-Andaman Islands
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