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Title Sale Processed Food Products
Details Products: Frozen shrink wrap whole sweet corn, Frozen mini sweet corn on cobs, frozen sweet kernels, jalapeno slices in jar bottles, vaccum packed whole peeled red beet root, frozen ginger paste cubes, frozen whole sweet corn on cobs, baby corn in glass jar, frozen garlic paste cubes, frozen red chilli paste cubes, frozen cut baby corn, forezn totapuri mango pulp Dehydrated Products: Ginger, Carrot, Chilli, Cabbage, Okra, Sweet corn, Cauliflower, Dehydrated Vegetables, Pomegranate Vaccum Fried Products: Potato Chips, French fries, pakodas, Cauliflower, apple, samosa, mango, brocolli, banana, carrot, jackfruit, pea, mashroom, khapli wheat, okra, onion
Price 0

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Name Satyajit
Address Sillod-Aurangabad
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